• FTSE MIB Index
  • Dow Jones Italy Titans 30 Index Euro
  • Bloomberg Italy Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Italy Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Italy Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index USD
  • Bloomberg Italy 40 Price Return Index
  • Solactive Italy 40 Capped Index NTR


  • STOXX Europe 600 Price Index EUR
  • Bloomberg World Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Europe Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg ESG Data Index
  • S&P Global 1200 Index
  • Bloomberg Europe Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Eurozone Developed Markets Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index
  • FTSE Developed Europe All Cap Net Tax (US RIC) Index
  • Bloomberg World Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Europe 600 Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
  • Bloomberg Europe Developed Markets 500 Price Return Index (EUR)
  • S&P Europe 350 GICS Level Sector MFM Index
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index EUR
  • Bloomberg Europe 500 Banks And Financial Services Index
  • S&P Global BMI (US Dollar)
  • Bloomberg World Banks Index
  • STOXX Global 1800 Index EUR
  • FTSE MPF Europe Hedged Index TR
  • Bloomberg Europe 500 Price Return Index
  • Euronext 100 Index
  • S&P Europe MidSmallCap (Euro currency)
  • Bloomberg ESG Score Total Coverage Index
  • S&P Europe Economic Sectors GICS Level Sector Index
  • Bloomberg Europe Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index EUR
  • Bloomberg ESG Score Deep History Index
  • Morningstar Eurozone Sustainability NR EUR
  • FTSE Developed ex US All Cap Net Tax (US RIC) Index
  • Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Global Markets Index NTR
  • Bloomberg Eurozone Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • STOXX Europe 600 ex UK Net Return EUR
  • MSCI World Custom ESG Climate Series A Net in EUR
  • FTSE MPF All-World Hedged Index TR
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets ex N. America Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • FTSEurofirst 300 Economic Sector Index
  • FCI EMU 200 (NET) Index
  • FTSE All-World ex North America Index USD
  • Bloomberg EMEA Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Value Net Return Index
  • S&P Global 1200 Financial Sector GICS Level 1 Index
  • MSCI Europe SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped Index
  • Bloomberg Eurozone Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg World ex US Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets ex US Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Solactive Gerd Kommer Multifactor Equity Index NTR
  • FCI EUROPE 300 (NET) Index
  • S&P Global Mid Small Cap Index
  • Euronext Vigeo Europe 120 Index
  • FTSE All World ex Greece Index USD
  • Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund ETF IOPV
  • Bloomberg Europe Developed Markets Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index
  • RACWI Global TR Index
  • S&P Europe Financials Sector GICS Level 1 Index
  • J.P. Morgan iDex Europe Momentum Top Rank Index (Price Return Series 1)
  • FTSE Euro Mid Index
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets ex US Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index
  • Solactive ISS ESG Global Markets Net Zero Pathway Custom Index NTR
  • HSBC ESG Risk Improvers Index NTR
  • Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Developed Markets Index NTR
  • Bloomberg World High Dividend Yield Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • MSCI Europe ex UK with Special Taxes Net Return EUR Index
  • Bloomberg Europe DM ex UK Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • S&P World Index (USD)
  • Bloomberg Europe Developed Markets 500 Net Return Index (EUR)
  • S&P Global Mid Cap Index
  • MSCI World ex USA IMI (VRS Taxes) Net Return USD Index
  • Solactive GBS Developed Markets Europe ex United Kingdom All Cap EUR Index
  • Bloomberg EMEA Banks Index
  • STOXX Europe Climate Impact Ex Global Compact CW & T EUR P
  • Euronext Eurozone 300
  • Solactive ISS ESG Screened Paris Aligned Europe Index NTR
  • S&P Europe 350 Banks Industry Group GICS Level 2 Index
  • Bloomberg World Large & Mid Cap Value Net Return Index
  • Bloomberg World Large & Mid Cap Value Total Return Index
  • S&P Developed BMI (US Dollar)
  • S&P Eurozone Large Mid Cap Growth Total Return USD Index
  • FTSE Developed Europe All Cap Net Tax Total Return
  • MSCI EMU SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped Index
  • IQ Candriam International Equity Index-NTR
  • Bloomberg World Financials Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Europe Developed Markets Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index EUR
  • Bloomberg World Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index EUR
  • S&P Global Ex-U.S. BMI (US Dollar)
  • Bloomberg European Financial Index **To be discontinued in 2024**
  • Morningstar Developed Markets ex-Switzerland TME NR CHF
  • Morningstar Global All Cap Target Market Exposure Screened Select
  • S&P Europe 350 Financial Sector GICS Level 1 Index
  • Bloomberg World Financial Index
  • FTSE Custom Composite UK All-Share 60% Dev Europe ex UK Net Tax
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets plus S. Korea Lrg, Mid, Sm Cap Price Ret Index
  • Bloomberg Developed Markets ex N. America Lrg, Mid, Sm Cap Price Ret Index
  • Bloomberg Europe Large, Mid & Small Cap Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg World Aggregate Price Return Index
  • Bloomberg Eurozone DM Financials Large & Mid Cap Price Return Index EUR
  • Democracy Investments International Index
  • The SGI SG29 European Equity Strategy
  • Bloomberg Europe 600 Banking Price Return Index
  • Morningstar Global All Cap Target Market Exposure Screened Select NR DKK
  • Bloomberg World Large & Mid Cap Value Price Return Index EUR
  • FTSE Euro Mid Excluding United Kingdom
  • Invesco S&P International Developed Momentum ETF INAV Index