
Our commitment

We want to build a responsible business, that integrates sustainability principles and objectives in all business activities. Policies and objectives, governance system, dialogue with stakeholders and adhesion to the Global Agenda form the basis of our commitment.

Read moreOur commitment

toDEI – A Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Project launched by Mediobanca

ESG targets in the plan

We have set qualitative and quantitative targets that have been included in the Strategic Plan 2023-2026 guidelines and in the staff evaluation and remuneration policies, for the entire Group population and for senior management in particular.
We have identified a series of cross-divisional actions to help contribute to a more sustainable future, in terms of reducing environmental impacts, focus on inclusion and diversity, and support for the community.

“WORDS – What does it mean to speak inclusively?” has become a book

Language is a fundamental part of who we are, it pervades our daily lives. And yet so often it's relegated to the status of being irrelevant.

Why is there such resistance to language?

To answer this question, the Mediobanca Group has investigated the roots and content of this reluctance among the corporate population, starting with a listening exercise led by the Catholic University of Milan.

The results of this research has led to “WORDS – What does it mean to speak inclusively?”, a book in seven chapters, conceived to provide answers to doubts, questions and perplexities.

ESG and the focus on consumers

Effectively managing our indirect social and environmental impacts is a major challenge for the creation of shared value.
Offering responsible investments, financial education activities and new methods of accessing banking services are central to our commitment.



Solidarity with our community

We accompany and promote growth in the local areas in which we operate, supporting projects in favour of the community. The promotion of culture and research, protection of the natural environment and social inclusion are the focus of our initiatives.

We reduce our impact on the environment

We are committed to reconciling economic development and protection of the environment and the territory, through both energy efficiency drives and by cutting the consumption of resources.

Mediobanca has become a member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and has neutralized its own direct emissions

Mediobanca confirms its commitment to tackle climate change.

Mediobanca becomes a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures’ Recommendations , and in in September 2022 published its first climate report based on them

Diversity and inclusion

Our goal is to make excellence inclusive. We want to foster highly diverse skills and create an increasingly inclusive work environment where people of all genders, ages, sexual or religious orientations, ethnicities, abilities and cultural backgrounds can grow and develop a deep sense of belonging.


Tel. +39 02 8829.1

Giovanna Giusti del Giardino
Head of Group Sustainability

Paola Rossi
Group Sustainability

Valeria Pisapia
Group Sustainability

Luca Attardi
Group Sustainability

Our human capital

Talent, expertise and diversity are at the heart of our focus on human capital: we are committed to the training and development of people, the promotion of equal opportunities and respect for human rights in all our activities.