
The Foundation’s mission is to contribute to the progress of medical science, primarily in the areas of oncology and cardiovascular disease, by providing grants to young researchers and for specific research projects.

The Foundation finances research projects by awarding grants to young researchers in conjunction with the University of Milan.

The recipients of these grants are selected following a public competitive procedure based on the decision made by scientific committees set up specifically for this purpose.

In the past, the Foundation has funded:

  • Three grants made as part of a research project completed in 2016 with the tile “Neoplastic stem cells and innovative therapies”; the research was carried out at the IEO (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia) in Milan, and the grants involved a total amount of €1m



  • Three grants made as part of a research project, still in progress, with the title “Radiation action mechanisms at the level of nervous system tumours and enhancing the effect of the radiation through drugs”; the research was carried out first at the University of Milan and then at the national research council CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), and the grants involve a total amount of €1m
